A single egg contains decent amounts of Vitamins a, b2, b12, b5, b6, d, e, k(potassium), as well as minerals: folate, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, and zinc.
An egg also has 77 calories, 6 grams of good quality protein, and 5 grams of good fats.
Cage free chickens also lay eggs higher in Omega-3 which reduces triglyceride levels
Eggs help with raising the good cholesterol in your body.
Eggs have the essential nutrient Choline. This may sound like something made up but choline is essential for the building of the membranes of cells and help with brain development. It is an extremely important for pregnant women and women who are breast feeding to consume Choline because it helps with fetal brain growth and development.
On average less than 10% of people consume the daily amounts of Choline they need.
Studies have shown that consuming eggs is not associated with heart disease or stroke.
Wow that's a lot for just a little egg!
Remember if you're local to concord, VA you can purchase eggs from us! Just drop us a message on our Facebook or on our contact us page!
Also ask about our honey!